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Last updated:

25 April, 2021

ill titleAbout the initiator of shulmusic.orgill_2

Stephen Simpson (b.1953) was instilled with the beauty of Jewish Liturgical music as a child growing up in north-west London (Wembley & Kenton) and hearing, as well as singing with, orthodox synagogue choirs. Several years after immigrating to Israel in 1979, he started an itinerant local shul choir in Rehovot while furthering his musical education in the fields of theory, harmony, voice-training, solfeggio, choral conducting and arranging. His love of shul music, and disappointment by its gradual decline in the 1980-90s, led him to make generally available through this web site this vast, beautiful and little known body of music built up since the early years of the 19th century.

ill titleWhat can I do to help?

Please get in touch if:

  • You have access to JLM scores that we do not have, and you can a) Photocopy them; b) Scan them; c) Both a) & b);

  • You can help produce MIDI files from the scanned music;

  • You have some recordings of your choir you'd like others to hear (no copyrighted material please);

  • You have any new ideas;
