Links to
other Jewish music sites...
Renanot - The Israel Institute for Jewish Music
The Hazan Jacob Schklar (1897-1971)Home Page
The Jewish Internet Portal - Music
Shirona - Singer, songwriter & teacher of Jewish Music - an amazingly beautiful JLM CD on-line
Bet Hatefutsot, Israel, Jewish Music Department
The Cantors' Web-Form - contains sheet music.
The Tel Aviv Cantorial Institute Resource Libraries
Chazzan Moshe (Murray) Bazian - with mp3s and streaming video!
Chazanut on line - A comprehensive site on Jewish liturgical music, with a large collection of cantorial sheet music, annotated links and background information.
A wonderful website on cantors of Alsace-Lorraine, with some great sound files
Hebrew and Cantorial Melodies sung by Robert Brody
The Virtual Cantor - to promote the proliferation of Nusach - MP3s
National Sound Archives of the National and University Library in Jerusalem
Kol Tefilah is a small ensemble specializing in Jewish liturgical music, leading services at synagogues, entertaining at religious celebrations, davens k'halacha in the style of classical chazzanut, the members taking turns leading the services while the rest sing as a choir.
Shalshelet: The Foundation for New Jewish Liturgical Music seeks to foster new music for Jewish congregational use and expose wider audiences to innovations in Jewish religious music.
The Cantors' Assembly home page
The Milken Archive - with links to JLM sources
Transcontinental Music - a wide selection of JLM for on-line purchase
The Belz School of Jewish music
The Zamir Chorale - Lewandowski page
Coro Litúrgico de la Comunidad Israelita del Uruguay
The Lloyd Street Singers - JLM choir
Johannesburg Jewish Male Choir
The Choral Net choirs site - Add your choir's name!
Choral Net information on Jewish music - Jewish music links page
Judaica Music Rescue Project - Florida Atlantic University Libraries
Daniel Halfon - this Hazan's site includes concert clips and midi files. - The Chazanut listing of this site.
The Tel Aviv Cantorial Institute
The Neimah Cantorial Singers - London
The New Central Synagogue Choir (London)
Jewish music links from Olve Utne
Dartmouth Jewish Sound Archive - An amzaing collection of recordings
The School of Cantorial Arts - American Seminary for Contemporary Judaism
The Eitz Chaim Male Voice Choir - Raanana
Robert and Molly Freedman Jewish Music Archive Catalogue
Cantorial Collections - dedicated to the preservation of Chazzanut from yesteryear
Jackson's Row, Manchester Reform Synagogue - audio files
South West Essex & Settlement Reform Synagogue
Hazan Stephen Robins ARCM Dip JC
The Office of The United Kingdom Chief Rabbi - with music tracks
Congregation Shaar HaShomayim, Montreal, Canada - web page with chazanut video
What To Listen For in Jewish Music by Charles Heller
Cantor Shmuel Malavsky & Family historic recordings
Cantor's Centre - Featuring 6 up and coming hazanim
Jewish National & University Library - Digitized Book Repository
The Choir of the Basel Synagogue
TEPHILHARMONIC .....for those who love and wish to encourage traditional shul music
TEPHILHARMONIC site recordings
Cantor Simon Cohen with recordings
The Levisson Institute - links to sheet music and some recordings for the synagogue services as used in the Liberal congregations in The Netherlands thoughout the year.
The Ramatayim Men's Choir , Jerusalem
EAJL - The European Academy for Jewish Liturgy
The web site of Jaclyn Chernett, the UK's first woman Chazan
The Toronto Council of Hazzanim
American Conference of Cantors
Synagogue music with Cantor Abraham Wyner and Congregation Beth Sholom Choir, San Francisco, CA
Download free Jewish sheet music
Zemel Choir's Jewish Choral Music Forum
Jewish Music Archive - Free Jewish music site
Yiddish & Jewish Song Resources
Links to various music resources including chazzanut